In Bigger Prints

Table of Contents


Section I

1 The Egg

2 Hatsing! (Bless Me)

3 Arthropodic Wisdom

4 Dear Decision Maker

5 Letters To The World

6   A Pain In My Head

7 Something Happened On My Way To School
8   A Discourse on The Grand Laws of the Universe

9 Black or White

10 Bayanihan in Jeddah

11 Chair of The Interim Board

12 Breakaway Telephonic Existence

13 The 'R' in Mrs. Regis

14 One City, One School

15 Eggs Breaking

16 PESJ History

17 The Chicken Fence

18 Believing The Man

19   My Own Version of The Jolo-Caust

20 My Sister's Version

21 The Rifle Guitar

22   Cat Stevens Unplugged

23  Landing on D-Day

24 The Great O-O-Os of the Late 20th Century

25 He Kept On Stumbling Over Chickens And Eggs

26   The Renaissance of Tilapia Farming And The Likes

27   The Saga Continues

28   The Pigeons In Our Lives

29 The Essence of Education

30   A School Is A Home

31  Gentle Fire From The Qur'an

32  At The Threshold

33  A Brief Discourse On Dancing

34  Being First

35   At The Edge of Light-Blue Metallic

36   Grappling With The Colossus


Section II
In Bigger Prints

The Power To Be
Excerpts from B & B Vol. 1 # 1


Of Crabs & Men
Excerpts from B & B Vol. 2 # 2


Excerpts from B & B Vol. 2 # 2


An Inability To Understand
Excerpts from A Speech by Prince Charles,
B & B Vol. Vol. 3 # 1


'Educating Miriam'
Excerpts from A Case Study of A Philippine School,
B & B Vol 3 # 2


Section III

A millennial short story


A Glossary of Pilipino
(& Near-Pilipino) Terms
Wondering what iklog is?

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In Bigger Prints

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The Book

The book, Bugs & Bytes, In Bigger Prints, is an extension of the Bugs & Bytes newsletters. It explains the newsletters.  The newsletters are in the book. They explain the book. And what happened in between.

If you are confused by now, then you have reached the right place. Welcome to the world of chickens and eggs. And more. Click the links in this page to read the book.

 The waves are coming!

Bugs & Bytes Book Cover

Some readers wrote me about the missing pages. One of them said that it is like holding on to an empty eggshell (and only half of it, to wit). In other words, bitin, hanging in the air. I have a special place in my heart for readers who are writers too. So for their sake, here's a bonus: this site now contains all the chapters of Prologue, Epilogue, Iklog (O Manok?), the first section of the book. It is a complete story in itself, an adventure you'd think cannot happen.  But did happen. Something to warm your heart under the Arabian sun, to quench your thirst in the Mindanao rainforests, to massage your mind in cyberspace.

The waves are coming!

The book, 8.5" x 11" in size, consists of three sections in 109 pages. The first section is a long prologue or a long epilogue, depending on what you make of it.

The second section contains the Bugs & Bytes newsletters which first appeared in 1992 on half-A4 sized pages. The early readers of the newsletters complained about the small prints. They wrote me letters which brought tears to my eyes. Their letters were written in smaller prints. This book thus is borne out of compunction for the past inconveniences of my readers. Thus the title: Bugs & Bytes, In Bigger Prints !

The third section is a modest offering to the approaching new millennium, at a time when people are made to reflect on a lot of things and, "with more enormity, write stuff like a poem or a resolution or a testament". This book, written in the first quarter of 1999, is my testament of the times that were and that will be..

Read with caution and come out of the experience a better creature, evolving much like that first amphibian which tried to leave the cold seabed for the warmth of the sunny beach, and was almost ran over by an armored car..

Section I
Iklog (O Manok?)

Section II
In Bigger Prints

BUGS & BYTES, May - June 1992 Issue
BUGS & BYTES, 3rd Quarter Issue 1993
BUGS & BYTES, 4th Quarter Issue 1993
BUGS & BYTES, 1st Quarter Issue 1994
BUGS & BYTES, 2nd Quarter Issue 1994

Section III

of Pilipino (& Near-Pilipino)Terms

an adventure into personal publishing


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