book, Bugs & Bytes, In Bigger Prints, is an extension of the Bugs
& Bytes newsletters. It explains the
newsletters. The newsletters are in the book. They explain the book. And what
happened in between.
If you are confused by
now, then you have reached the right place. Welcome to the world of chickens and eggs. And
more. Click the links in this page to read the book.
readers wrote me about the missing pages. One of them said that it is like holding on to
an empty eggshell (and only half of it, to wit). In other words, bitin, hanging
in the air. I have a special place in my heart for readers who are writers too. So for
their sake, here's a bonus: this site now contains all the chapters of Prologue, Epilogue, Iklog (O Manok?),
the first section of the book. It is a complete story in itself, an adventure you'd think
cannot happen. But did happen. Something to warm your heart under the Arabian sun,
to quench your thirst in the Mindanao rainforests, to massage your mind in cyberspace.

The book, 8.5" x 11" in size,
consists of three sections in 109 pages. The first section is a long prologue or a long
epilogue, depending on what you make of it.
The second section contains the Bugs & Bytes newsletters which first appeared
in 1992 on half-A4 sized pages. The early readers of the newsletters complained about the
small prints. They wrote me letters which brought tears to my eyes. Their letters were
written in smaller prints. This book thus is borne out of compunction for the past
inconveniences of my readers. Thus the title: Bugs &
Bytes, In Bigger Prints !
The third section is a modest offering
to the approaching new millennium, at a time when people are made to reflect on a lot of
things and, "with more enormity, write stuff like a poem or a resolution or a
testament". This book, written in the first quarter of 1999, is my testament of the
times that were and that will be..
Read with caution and come out of the
experience a better creature, evolving much like that first amphibian which tried to leave
the cold seabed for the warmth of the sunny beach, and was almost ran over by an armored
Section I
Iklog (O Manok?)
Section II
In Bigger Prints
BUGS & BYTES, May - June
1992 Issue
BUGS & BYTES, 3rd Quarter Issue 1993
BUGS & BYTES, 4th Quarter Issue 1993
BUGS & BYTES, 1st Quarter Issue 1994
BUGS & BYTES, 2nd Quarter Issue 1994
Section III
of Pilipino (& Near-Pilipino)Terms