In Bigger Prints

Table of Contents


Section I

1 The Egg

2 Hatsing! (Bless Me)

3 Arthropodic Wisdom

4 Dear Decision Maker

5 Letters To The World

6   A Pain In My Head

7 Something Happened On My Way To School
8   A Discourse on The Grand Laws of the Universe

9 Black or White

10 Bayanihan in Jeddah

11 Chair of The Interim Board

12 Breakaway Telephonic Existence

13 The 'R' in Mrs. Regis

14 One City, One School

15 Eggs Breaking

16 PESJ History

17 The Chicken Fence

18 Believing The Man

19   My Own Version of The Jolo-Caust

20 My Sister's Version

21 The Rifle Guitar

22   Cat Stevens Unplugged

23  Landing on D-Day

24 The Great O-O-Os of the Late 20th Century

25 He Kept On Stumbling Over Chickens And Eggs

26   The Renaissance of Tilapia Farming And The Likes

27   The Saga Continues

28   The Pigeons In Our Lives

29 The Essence of Education

30   A School Is A Home

31  Gentle Fire From The Qur'an

32  At The Threshold

33  A Brief Discourse On Dancing

34  Being First

35   At The Edge of Light-Blue Metallic

36   Grappling With The Colossus


Section II
In Bigger Prints

The Power To Be
Excerpts from B & B Vol. 1 # 1

Of Crabs & Men
Excerpts from B & B Vol. 2 # 2

Excerpts from B & B Vol. 2 # 2

An Inability To Understand
Excerpts from A Speech by Prince Charles,
B & B Vol. Vol. 3 # 1

'Educating Miriam'
Excerpts from A Case Study of A Philippine School,
B & B Vol 3 # 2


Section III

A millennial short story


A Glossary of Pilipino
(& Near-Pilipino) Terms
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In Bigger Prints

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Prologue, Epilogue, Iklog (O Manok?)
Copyright © 1999 by Said Sadain, Jr.

4   Dear Decision-Maker

The first issue of BUGS & BYTES were read by a number of people I could count on my fingers and toes. A page was half-A4 size.

It was not until the second issue which came out a year later that I started sending out this letter, along with the personal publication, to some people I knew from my past and to some people I do not even know:

BUGS & BYTES Jeddah Saudi Arabia

Dear Decision-Maker,

BUGS & BYTES is an endeavor that seeks to unlock and promote the potentials of personal publishing. It is our aim to show another way – in addition to such established norms as the ballot or a gun or membership in civic, professional, political organizations – by which individuals can exercise their involvement in shaping events around them. Personal publishing, we hope, can be an equally, if not more, effective means of influencing change.

As a decision-maker in some of the areas covered by BUGS & BYTES, you have been specifically targeted to receive relevant issues concerning these areas. If you feel that you may not have time to read the publication, we urge you to at least pass it on to somebody who will be interested in reading it. We will also appreciate your informing us of your desire to continue on receiving a free copy of future issues of BUGS & BYTES and/or recommend other interested people.

If you have something positive to contribute to the publication – a point of view, constructive critique, creative thinking, words of support – please feel free to communicate with us. BUGS & BYTES firmly believes that productive communication can result in a better world to live in. We hope you share this same belief. And we hope that, like us, you will find the longing for a better world as reason and reward enough to encourage similar efforts by other right-minded individuals to stand up and be counted.

That individual can be you; it can be the next person you smile to, or shake hands with. Please spread the word.


Said K. Sadain

The costs of Jeddah postal stamps severely restricted my reach. If the World Wide Web was widely used at that time, I would have quickly evolved into a mass e-mailer (o, for the joy of e-mailing!) and would have probably gotten flamed out to oblivion just as fast.

As it was, with Saudi Arabia taking too long to embrace the Internet Age, I had enough time to submerge vicariously in the Internet through the swanky pages of Computerworld, to learn the netiquettes safely before I could violate them.

These days, I am working at presenting BUGS & BYTES at its own web site, www.bugsnbytes.com.

Personal Publishing Greatly Enhanced!

an adventure into personal publishing


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