Moros: JUETENG For
Deliverance? Understanding
The Mindanao Conflict
Samuel Tan
Ethnic Cleansing In
Fred Hill
Compensatory Justice For
Patricio Diaz
Is Federalizing The
Republic The Solution To Mindanao?
Pimentel, Jr.
Accommodation of a Bangsamoro Islamic Region
Santos, Jr.
Mindanao Movements
Nash Maulana
Sulu Saxophone
Explaining Erap's
B(ad) Movies
Said Sadain,
The Palestinian Intifada
Zafar Bangash
Creative Writing Section
What's Inside:
Muslim's prayer for peace
by Aminah Sharief Goling
my own Mindanao
by Geejay Arriola
Abdul on the eve of an
by Said Sadain, Jr.
Then & Now
by Macario Tiu
Death On The Tarmac
by Fr. Picx Picardal
Spirits In The Box
A Short Story
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the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All the praises and thanks be to God
The Lord of the worlds, mankind, jinns and all that exist
The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
The only Owner of the Day of Recompense
That is the Day of Resurrection
You (alone) we worship and
You (alone) we ask for help for each and everything
Guide us to the Straight Way
The Way of those on whom You have bestowed your Grace
Not (the way) of those who earned Your anger
Nor of those who went astray."
Qur'an, The Opening Chapter
Muslim's prayer for peace
by Aminah
Sharief Goling
God, we
gather here today in Your Name
We thank You
for all the blessings You have been providing us
We thank You
for giving us the Wisdom
that enable us to understand our role
in reconstructing our relationship with one another,
even amidst suffering
We thank You
for the strength You are providing us
that enable us to go beyond our worries, our weaknesses,
our expectations, our limitations, our biases and prejudices
We thank You
for making us aware
of how much damages, inconveniences and hatred
have resulted through our ignorance and intolerance towards one another,
Muslims and Christians alike
We thank You
for touching our hearts with Your immense love
We pray to
You peace,
Peace that comes from within our hearts, which is authentic
Peace that radiates through out the whole of humanity that brings harmony
Peace that is rooted in understanding one another and sustained through times
Peace that recognizes not only the similarities but also the differences between and among
Peace, in your Name
We pray that
the hearts and minds of our leaders be touched
by Your love and wisdom so that
they may not utilize war as an instrument to achieve peace
We pray that
the Muslims in Mindanao
may be given what is just and due to them
We also pray
that the Lumads and Christians be given equal treatment
We pray that
the rebels be more enlightened in the Way of Allah
We pray from
You more material graces
so that the Muslims and other Mindanawans be uplifted from poverty
We pray from
You spiritual nourishment
We pray to
You to continue touching our hearts and guiding our minds
so that peace may be practiced through loving
and not through intellectual discussions alone
We pray to
You to strengthen our conviction that peace is possible
We pray that
our biases and prejudices be erased
through knowing others and living what our respective religion is teaching us
We pray that
all atrocities may come to an end so that peace and love may reign
In Your Name.
Hirabbil Alamin
[Closing prayer by Aminah Sharief Goling during the
SLB Trainors' Training Seminar on Mindanao Conflict and Peace Advocacy
held last Sept.2, 2000 at Cardinal Sin Center, Loyola School of Theology,
Ateneo de Manila University, courtesy of the Simbahang Lingkod ng Bayan,]
Poems In This Issue

In my own Mindanao
by Geejay
Abdul on the eve of an ambush
by Said
Sadain, Jr.
Then & Now
by Macario
Death On The Tarmac
by Fr. Picx
Spirits In The Box
A Short Story