In Bigger Prints

Table of Contents


Section I

1 The Egg

2 Hatsing! (Bless Me)

3 Arthropodic Wisdom

4 Dear Decision Maker

5 Letters To The World

6   A Pain In My Head

7 Something Happened On My Way To School
8   A Discourse on The Grand Laws of the Universe

9 Black or White

10 Bayanihan in Jeddah

11 Chair of The Interim Board

12 Breakaway Telephonic Existence

13 The 'R' in Mrs. Regis

14 One City, One School

15 Eggs Breaking

16 PESJ History

17 The Chicken Fence

18 Believing The Man

19   My Own Version of The Jolo-Caust

20 My Sister's Version

21 The Rifle Guitar

22   Cat Stevens Unplugged

23  Landing on D-Day

24 The Great O-O-Os of the Late 20th Century

25 He Kept On Stumbling Over Chickens And Eggs

26   The Renaissance of Tilapia Farming And The Likes

27   The Saga Continues

28   The Pigeons In Our Lives

29 The Essence of Education

30   A School Is A Home

31  Gentle Fire From The Qur'an

32  At The Threshold

33  A Brief Discourse On Dancing

34  Being First

35   At The Edge of Light-Blue Metallic

36   Grappling With The Colossus


Section II
In Bigger Prints

The Power To Be
Excerpts from B & B Vol. 1 # 1

Of Crabs & Men
Excerpts from B & B Vol. 2 # 2

Excerpts from B & B Vol. 2 # 2

An Inability To Understand
Excerpts from A Speech by Prince Charles,
B & B Vol. Vol. 3 # 1

'Educating Miriam'
Excerpts from A Case Study of A Philippine School,
B & B Vol 3 # 2


Section III

A millennial short story


A Glossary of Pilipino
(& Near-Pilipino) Terms
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Prologue, Epilogue, Iklog (O Manok?)
Copyright © 1999 by Said Sadain, Jr.

23   Landing On D-Day

It was in the course of my PSJ/PESJ/IPSJ adventures that I came to know more closely of Ambassador Espaldon. He was certainly pushing over 60, maybe even over 70, but had the stamina and energy to sit with us parents, mostly in our middle to late 30s, on long tables from early evening into the early hours of the next day, convincing us about the finer points of diplomacy and constantly telling us about his Erap jokes. And these were in between his shuttling on Saudia flights from Riyadh to Jeddah to Dhahran back to Riyadh then Jeddah and so on.

I particularly had a fit of laughter on his Erap joke about the VP receiving a plaque of appreciation from the International Olympics Committee during his 1996 sojourn to Atlanta, Georgia. Erap, as the joke goes, took the plaque to Malacañang, and upon presenting it to his boss, proudly read out: O-O-O, O-O…

That probably must have been the point when Fidel Ramos started toying with the idea of charter changes, bouncing it in his head like soft, catchy music: Cha-cha-cha, perico ambuta.

Ambassador Espaldon was a deep believer in the unity of the Filipino community, and, surprisingly for a military man, did not show any military harshness at all in his disposition. He was more of a patient father to everyone of us involved in the school altercation and had a soft spot in his heart for our lady principals. He claimed he succeeded bringing in more rebels to surrender peacefully during his stint in Mindanao, a lot more than the body count.

For a while, a lot of people in PSJ thought that he did a grave mistake by allowing PESJ to rise up from the ashes of an abortive election campaign and thereby divide the community. But when, after the PESJ had shown the way for real changes to take effect and shown them to be very achievable, and the PSJ started to actually compete with us to stop their population hemorrhage, and the Ambassador of All Philippine Schools in The Kingdom started pressuring both sides firmly but gently on re-unification, it dawned on me that the military man was all along playing a solid strategy that cut right through the waves and landed on the beach like D-Day.

It was a good plan, although some of my comrades in arms would hang me for admitting this.

At some point, I did not stand further in the way. By the time our interim board called for an election of the next school board, it was quite clear that the two schools will have to merge sooner than later, with all the changes, triumphs, broken shells and windshields, wounds and scars that had taken place over the months and years, all mixed up with the uncertainties, hopes and fears of a grower trying to hatch her eggs.


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